An Introduction to PTE Young Learners and how to prepare your students in curriculum time

L’appuntamento è per giovedì 31 ottobre 2019, alle ore 17.00, ed è consigliato ai docenti della Scuola primaria.
Relatore: Brigette Hughes.
Short abstract: this webinar will give you an introduction to the Pearson Test of English Young Learner Exams and the materials you can use to prepare your students.


In this webinar we will look at the format of the Pearson Test of English Young Learners and suggest activities and best practice for preparing students during your regular morning English lessons. The Pearson Test of English Young Learner exams are an inclusive and stress-free way to introduce your students to International Certification with Pearson Edexcel, the UK’s largest Exam Board for Academic Qualifications.

Consigliato ai docenti della Scuola primaria.

Il webinar si svolgerà giovedì 31 ottobre 2019, alle ore 17.00.

Il relatore

Brigette Hughes is from Wales and is Pearson Italia’s Assessment Manager. Brigette has worked in ELT and Assessment in Italy for the past 20 years. During this time she has been an Educational Consultant, Teacher Ttrainer and has supported teachers from Primary through to High School. For the past three years Brigette has helped launch Pearson Edexcel exams in Italy and works currently as the Assessment Manager.

Informazioni e contatti

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